Welcome one and all to the official Roaring Tides forum! As you should know, TRT is a feline role play, based off of the series 'Warriors' by Erin Hunter. Though the layout for the role play is much more different than your average warriors role play. Our goal in this role play is to provide our members with a different, unique role play experience, providing many different prefixes and suffixes that are normally not allowed in a normal warriors role play. TRT Takes place around the 1800s, located on a small, isolated island somewhere in the Caribbean, which stands as the home of two Clans; BrineClan and LagoonClan. Once you join this role play you'll be introduced to a new way of rping warriors, with many different species of prey and predator, dangers and threats. We hope to see you stick around our little role play, and we wish you good luck out there in the roaring tides!
10/19/15 ; TRT is still setting up! We had a lot of hope in this roleplay we were super bummed that it died down, we think that the second time might be the charm!
Țară: Spania Anul: 2016 Durata: 99 minute Genuri: Dramă, Mister, Romance Producător: Pedro Almodóvar Scriptori: Pedro Almodóvar, Alice Munro Actorii: Emma Suárez, Adriana Ugarte, Daniel Grao
Julieta este un film jucat de Emma Suárez, Adriana Ugarte și Daniel Grao. Dupa o intalnire intamplatoare, o femeie cu inima rupta decide sa se confrunte cu viata ei si cu cele mai importante evenimente legate de fiica ei blocat.